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4 stick butter 
4 cups sugar 
4 cups flour (cake or all purpose) 
8 large eggs 
8 oz cream cheese (note amount not given)
vanilla flavoring (note amount not given)
I leave my cream cheese, butter and eggs out to reach room temp. Cream butter, cream cheese and sugar until smooth, add eggs one or two at a time, then add flour one cup at a time. Last, add your vanilla flavoring. Grease and flour your tube pan and pour in batter. Sprinkle liberally with pecans and brown sugar on top. Bake on 300 degree for 1 hour and 15 minutes, increase heat to 325 and bake another 30 minutes. You can test for doneness with a wooden skewer. If you insert and cake is not done (still wet), allow to bake a little longer until skewer can be inserted and comes out dry. Remove from oven and allow to cool a few minutes before removing from pan. Then, drizzle with a jar of caramel. As always, my recipes are a guide. Be creative...make it your own!

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